
Promoting the penetration of agrobiomass heating in European rural areas

News & Events

By - karampinis

Using vineyard prunings for heat in the Penedès: a European success case

European stakeholders from the entire agrobiomass value chain for energy gathered from February 25th to 27th in the Barcelona municipality of Vilafranca del Penedès at a demonstration workshop within the European project AgroBioHeat. According to Manolis Karampinis, research associate at Centre for Research and Technology Hellas and coordinator of the AgroBioHeat project, Vilafranca has been chosen as the venue for

By - Alexandros Altsitsiadis

AgroBioHeat project would like to hear from you!

From February 2020 to April 2020, the AgroBioHeat project progresses to an important milestone for gathering significant insights on social understanding about the use of agrobiomass for heating. AgroBioHeat is conducting a web-based survey aiming to capture the public opinion on agrobiomass heating. Apart from eliciting existing perceptions and stakeholders’ intentions to act, the survey aims to identify the current

By - karampinis

Workshop and Field Visits: Using Vineyard Prunings for Heat Production (27 February 2020)

Date and time: 27 February 2020, 2019, 09:00 – 17:00 Venue:  l’Enològica building Auditorium, C/ Amàlia Soler, d’, 029; Vilafranca del Penedés, Spain The AgroBioHeat project would like to invite you to a workshop and field visits entitled “Using Vineyard Prunings for Heat”. Vineyards are cultivated in more than 3 million hectares in Europe. Every year, huge quantities of vineyard

By - karampinis

AgroBioHeat to attend the Agrotica 2020 and Bois Energie fairs!

2020 has started and the AgroBioHeat project is already planning a lot of interesting activities in order to promote sustainable agrobiomass heating! Our project partners will be attending two major energy and agricultural fairs in Nantes, France and Thessaloniki, Greece at the end of the month, so be sure to pay a visit at their stand in order to learn

By - admin

AgroBioHeat seeks new icebreaker agrobiomass consumption initiatives to provide them with support

From October 2019 to January 2020, the project AgroBioHeat opens the call in several countries (Croatia, France, Greece, Romania, Spain and Ukraine) to support new icebreaker initiatives for the consumption of agrobiomass (agricultural or agroindustrial biomass residues, or energy crops) for heat generation in small facilities (<1 MW thermal). The key is that the installation is efficient, that the technology

By - karampinis

Matchmaking event in Kyiv / AgroEnergyDAY 2019 forum

Date and time: 30 October, 2019, 13:00 – 15:00Venue: International Exhibition Centre, Kyiv, Brovarskyi Ave., 15 The AgroBioHeat project partner UABIo invites you for individual consultations and networking on bioenergy with a focus on the energy use of agrobiomass. Matchmaking will take place within the AgroEnergyDAY 2019 Forum in Conference Room #1 (2nd Floor) from 13:00 to 14:00 and at the UABio Joint exhibition stand (1st Floor)  from

By - admin

AgroBioHeat: 2nd project meeting in Zagreb

The second project meeting of the AgroBioHeat project, funded by the Horizon 2020 programme, was held last week (3 – 5 July 2019) in Zagreb, hosted by the Green Energy Cooperative – ZEZ. The overall aim of the project is to promote heating solutions on agrobiomass in rural areas of Europe. “The AgroBioHeat project aims to transform the rural heating

By - admin

AgroBioHeat – a new Horizon 2020 project for promoting heating solutions based on agrobiomass in Europe

Substitution of fossil fuels with agrobiomass can be a very promising option for the decarbonisation of the heating sector, especially in rural areas. AgroBioHeat is a new EU project funded through Horizon 2020 that aims to provide a comprehensive platform for overcoming barriers and support the market uptake of agrobiomass heating. Background The heating sector is often overlooked in the

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