
Promoting the penetration of agrobiomass heating in European rural areas

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ZEZ. The Green Energy Cooperative (ZEZ) was established in 2013 as part of the project "Development of Energy Cooperatives in Croatia" implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Croatia. Upon completion of the ZEZ project, it continues to operate independently. Today ZEZ is an umbrella organization for the energy cooperative sector in Croatia and the region, participates in founding and provides support to other energy cooperatives. The cooperative members have vast experience in coordinating and working in innovative green energy initiatives, development projects, designing policy recommendations and carrying out educational activities. In the focus of their work are locally initiated RES&EE projects, with the aim of empowering local communities through use of local resources. It counts 20 members who are experts, activists, and practitioners with years of experience in the field of energy, economy, alternative financial mechanisms, innovation, environmental protection, urban planning and rural development.


Lucija Nađ
Project Manager
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